“The first two steps in the process of becoming a lay disciple of the Buddha are the going for refuge (sarana gamana) and the undertaking of the five precepts (pañca-sila samadana). By the former step a person makes the commitment to accept the Triple Gem — the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha — as the guiding ideals of his life; by the latter he expresses his determination to bring his actions into harmony with these ideals through right conduct.” — Excerpt, Going for Refuge & Taking the Precepts by Bhikkhu Bodhi
WLHZ students registered in the one-year Lotus Root Training period, who attend regular group practice sessions and who have completed Three Refuges and Five Precepts course of study, are eligible to formally profess Three Refuges and Five Precepts Vows.
Going for Refuge
I Take Refuge in the Buddha. Buddham Saranam Gacchami
I Take Refuge in the Dhamma. Dhammam Saranam Gacchami
I Take Refuge in the Sangha. Sangham Saranam Gacchami
The Five Precepts (Communally recited during monthly Uposatha observance)
I undertake the precept to refrain from destroying living creatures.
Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
For all their lives the awakened ones dwell…
Having abandoned killing living beings, refrained from killing, they have quit their weapons, they are conscientious, sympathetic, compassionate for the good of all; And so, aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I too abide, refraining from killing living beings, laying down weapons, being conscientious, sympathetic, compassionate for the good of all. Seeing that dualistic and discriminative thinking give rise to anger, fear, greed, and tribalism leading to hurtful and harmful actions, I will cultivate receptivity, mutuality, and liberation of views in order to transform violence, fanaticism, and dogmatism in myself and in the world. In this way, I give freedom from danger, freedom from ill-will, freedom from exploitation to limitless numbers of beings, and come to share in the very same.
I undertake the precept to refrain from taking that which is not given.
Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
For all their lives the awakened ones dwell…
Having abandoned taking what is not given, refrained from taking what is not given, and receiving only what is given; those who receive only what is given become free from the taint of theft; And so, aware of the suffering caused by stealing and covetousness, I too abide abandoning taking what is not given, refraining from taking what is not given, and receiving only what is given, become free from the taint of theft. I will practice generosity in my thinking, speaking, and acting — sharing my time, energy, and material resources with those who are in need. Aware that true happiness arises from a non-clinging mind, free from acquisition and possession, I will rest content in the present moment, accepting that there is enough. In this way, I give freedom from danger, freedom from ill-will, freedom from exploitation to limitless numbers of beings, and come to share in the very same.
I undertake the precept to refrain from misconduct done in lust.
Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
For all their lives the awakened ones dwell…
Having abandoned sexual misconduct, they are self-restrained, living free from unwholesome intentions and actions of body, speech and mind born from lust, causing carelessness; And so, aware of the suffering caused by misconduct done in lust, I too abide abandoning sexual misconduct, practicing self-restraint, living free from unwholesome intentions and actions of body, speech and mind born from lust; causing carelessness. I will practice ethical conduct in body, speech, and mind, preserve the safety and integrity of individuals, prevent couples and families from being broken, and protect children from sexual abuse. I am committed to cultivating relationships of respect and virtue. In this way, I give freedom from danger, freedom from ill-will, freedom from exploitation to limitless numbers of beings, and come to share in the very same.
I undertake the precept to refrain from false speech.
Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
For all their lives the awakened ones dwell…
Having abandoned false speech, refraining from false speech, they are speakers of truth, joiners of truth, firm-in truth, grounded-on-truth, not speakers of lies to the world; And so, aware of the suffering caused by careless speech and the inability to listen, I too abide abandoning false speech, refraining from false speech, a speaker of truth, a joiner of truth, firm-in-truth, grounded-on-truth, not a speaker of lies to the world. Knowing that words can create happiness or suffering, I am committed to speaking truthfully using words that inspire confidence, joy, and freedom. When strong feelings arise, I determine to practice mindful breathing and calming in order to listen deeply, and to respond appropriately. In this way, I give freedom from danger, freedom from ill-will, freedom from exploitation to limitless numbers of beings, and come to share in the very same.
I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicating substances.
Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
For all their lives the awakened ones dwell…
Having abandoned intoxicants, which are the occasion for heedlessness, and refrained from them, they are steadfast and clear; And so, aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I too abide refraining from intoxicants, including alcohol, drugs, print and digital media, ideologies, and other sense objects which are the occasion for heedlessness, addiction, and harm. I will cultivate good health by consuming in a way that preserves peace, joy, and wellbeing in my body and consciousness, and in the collective body and consciousness of my family, my society and the Earth. In this way, I give freedom from danger, freedom from ill-will, freedom from exploitation to limitless numbers of beings, and come to share in the very same.