BGR sponsors projects that provide food relief and poverty alleviation both in the developing world and in the U.S. We raise funds from both private donors, in part through our global WALK FOR HUNGER EVENTS, and philanthropic organizations and work in partnership with agencies, institutions, and relief organizations already operating on the ground in the communities that our projects serve. BGR closely screens proposals for projects from prospective partners and collaborates with organizations that have established a track record of effectiveness and responsibility. BGR receives full reports about sponsored projects and shares the results with supporters on the BGR website and in newsletters and annual reports. BGR seeks to raise awareness among Buddhists about the extent of world hunger and to mobilize action that promotes social justice on food-related issues, including climate change, one of the chief threats to the world’s food systems.
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In an age that has made our common humanity so palpably real, the Buddha’s teachings challenge us to “share our meal” with others no matter where they may be living, no matter what their nationality, ethnicity, gender, or religion might be. Since chronic malnutrition is the cause of unthinkable misery, we cannot remain complacent when so many go hungry every day. — Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi